Construction Design Centre

Family Learning

Family Learning
Family Learning
Family Learning provides opportunities for parents/carers to find out how to help their children learn and develop. We also provide a route back into education for those adults who want to improve their own skills. Our focus is on improving English, maths, digital skills and health and wellbeing for families across the city, concentrating on those in the areas of highest need.
By finding out how their children are learning in nursery or school, Family Learning enables parents/carers to support this learning at home. We use exciting resources and activities which make learning fun. Evidence shows that when parents/carers are involved in their children’s education, children achieve more.
Family Learning is free to learners and to settings. Our team of expert, qualified tutors deliver a range of courses (from 2 to 30 hours) in schools, family centres and community settings. For those wishing to progress further, we offer qualification courses and routes into further/higher education, volunteering and employment.
Anyone looking to provide Family Learning for the families they work with should contact the Family Learning team to discuss their requirements. Our programmes are flexible, friendly and fun and we will work with you to plan a Family Learning package that suits your needs.
For more information, contact: 
Telephone: 0114 266 7503


Construction Design Centre

Cricket Inn Road


S2 1TR

T: +44 (0) 114 4031011


Click here to find The Construction Design Centre on UCAS Progress



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